Miskatonic University Press

Specifying dates


Managing times across time zones is difficult. The Software Freedom Conservancy recently ran four events that were scheduled to accommodate people all around world, and they announced them in an ingenious way I’d never seen before:

Please, join us on our BigBlueButton instance at any (or all!) of these four datetimes:

$ date -d ‘Dec 21 15:00 UTC’ # best accommodates European afternoon: 16:00 CET

$ date -d ‘Dec 22 03:00 UTC’ # best accommodates Australian east coast afternoon: 14:00 AEDT on Dec 23rd

$ date -d ‘Dec 28 00:00 UTC’ # best accommodates US/Pacific afternoon & US/Eastern evening: 16:00 PST on Dec 27th

$ date -d ‘Dec 29 21:00 UTC’ # best accommodates US/Eastern afternoon: 16:00 EST

As long as the reader knows about the command line—and almost all Conservancy supporters would—it’s easy to copy and paste a date command and see what the time is locally.

See also a post from two years ago about converting across time zones.