RARA-AVIS: Connelly

From: Larson, Craig ( Craig.Larson@tsjc.cccoes.edu)
Date: 15 May 2002

>I do like Connelly well enough and am glad of his
>success but I'm a little leery of trying him again. He
>reads almost like he's pressured into completion
>before he's ready.

Good point. I finished _City of Bones_ a week or so ago, after reading it in a frenzy of sorts (about 5 hours on a Sunday afternoon) and I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed upon finishing. It wasn't that it was a bad book, but it just didn't seem "finished." I was also quite disappointed by _A Darkness More Than Night_, but up to that point, I'd been very impressed with all of Connelly's books (though I always felt the conclusion of _The Poet_ was a bit contrived). _City of Bones_ was the first of his books I bought in hardcover (signed, no less--thanks Terrill Lankford!), but I'm not sure I'll be doing that again.

Craig Larson Trinidad, CO

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